伤感英文句子:想不开难以释怀的悲伤句子 一颗心被伤得破碎的说说2020-03-07
1.再美好也经不住遗忘,再悲伤也抵不过时间。 1. No matter how beautiful it is, it cant stand forgetting. No matter how sad it is, it cant reach the time. 2.让人疲惫的,不是山高水长,路途遥远,而是心中无...
1.高山重洋将我们分离,没奈何我只能在回忆中与你重逢,在梦境中与你相遇。 1. The mountains and oceans separate us, but I can only meet you in the memory and meet you in the dream. 2.黑夜勾引着失眠犯罪,...
伤感英文句子:突然好想哭的说说 莫名感到心烦心累的伤感英文句子2020-03-07
1.你给我憧憬了一场温暖未来,却放手让我一个人走。 1. You give me a warm vision of the future, but let me go alone. 2.有些话埋藏在心中好久,没机会说,等有机会说的时候,却说不出口了。 2. S...
伤感英文句子:毕业寄语简短一句话 有点伤感舍不得的毕业季英语说说2020-03-07
1.不愿告别,却在告别,那稚气的年月;不愿告别,总在告别,那多梦的时节。 1. I dont want to say goodbye, but Im saying goodbye, that childish time; I dont want to say goodbye, Im always saying goodbye, that drea...
伤感英文句子:让人撕心裂肺的英文句子 爱情中受尽折磨的英文说说2020-03-07
1.想你像是咳嗽,无论如何也止不住,也没有办法。 1. I think you are like a cough. I cant stop it anyway. I cant help it. 2.放弃得太快,可能是因为爱很难坚持。 2. Give up too fast, maybe its because love i...
伤感英文句子:最扎心的一句话 让人彻底绝望放弃的英文句子2020-03-07
1.这个年代,深情的人都被叫做舔狗。 1. In this era, affectionate people are called licking dogs. 2.选择困难症不是病是穷 2. Choose whether the difficulty is disease or poverty 3.其实男孩子都很聪明的,他不是...
1.你不必逞强,不必说谎,懂你的人自然会知道你原本的模样。四月再见,五月你好! 1. You dont have to be brave, you dont have to lie, and people who know you will know what you are. Goodbye in April, hello in...
伤感英文句子:很丧感到绝望的英文句子 心情是黑色的悲伤说说2020-03-07
1.回头是岸不过是让我们渐行渐远,我愿意为你沦陷述说自己如何心甘情愿。 1. Turning around is just to let us go further and further. Im willing to tell you how willing I am to be when you fall. 2.你喝的好醉,...
1.如今的悲伤局面是我太执着还是你懦弱。 1. Now the sad situation is that I am too persistent or you are cowardly. 2.与你的相遇是我今生最大的幸事,有你的相伴是我今生最大的福分。 2. Meeting you i...
伤感英文句子:一次次被伤害的英文说说 被爱情伤的体无完肤的英文句子2020-03-07
1.我的主动在,你眼里是不是特别廉价? 1. My initiative is very cheap in your eyes? 2.我已经被伤害一次了,不想再被伤害第二次。 2. I have been hurt once. I dont want to be hurt again. 3.你永远都不知道我...