伤感英文句子:让人撕心裂肺的英文句子 爱情中受尽折磨的英文说说


  1. I think you are like a cough. I can't stop it anyway. I can't help it.


  2. Give up too fast, maybe it's because love is hard to hold on.


  3. Silence is like a sad song, but its vision is blurred.


  4. The sun is warm and the years are quiet. How dare I grow old before you come?


  5. The figure, the smile, is clearly strange but eager.


  6. Even if we break up, I still want to go that way to meet you.


  7. You are at a loss in the crowded crowd, and I stand behind you, reaching out for fear of making mistakes and shrinking for fear of missing.

  28条让人撕心裂肺的句子 爱情中受尽折磨的说说1

  28 heartrending sentences about suffering in love 1


  8. If I have to wait for you to get hurt one day, I will think of my benefits, and want to be good to me. I'm not rare. I've only paid once. If you lose it, it's gone.


  9. I've been thinking for countless moments that it would be nice if you were here. As a result, I survived all this time alone. Later, I didn't need to. Thank you!


  10. Adults often end up with a "no problem" sentence, because they know they can only clean up their own mess.


  11. If he cares about you very much, he must be very attentive! If not, everything is your fantasy!


  12. If you are not happy, if you are not happy, let go; if you are reluctant to let go, then suffer.


  13. Look at the high mountains and long rivers, but who and who will have a long future.


  I'll go for you. Finally, I want to leave my dignity.


  Can you stop being hot and cold to me? I can't stand it.


  16. There are always some people who used to be passers-by of life, but later become a frequent visitor of memory.


  17. Will continue to drink, will continue to love, but will not drink too much, will not love too much.

  28条让人撕心裂肺的句子 爱情中受尽折磨的说说2

  28 heartrending sentences talk about suffering in love 2


  18. Some songs are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Are we listening to songs or ourselves.


  19. Time is only a long river, and all life is just a tiny grain of dust. It is carried by boats called the past life and the present life.


  20. Do you know that feeling? Obviously, that person is still there, can make a phone call and send a message, but you don't have any position. He will never be yours again. That feeling is really, especially sad.


  21. The biggest regret is not to miss the best, but to run out of the best when you meet the better. Love is consumable. I only want you to leave the best of yourself to the right person.


  You have never seen me cry and breathe for you.


  23. Time will be still, life will be still, but I know, about you, it will not be still.


  24. Time makes me have to admit that you are the one I should not love.