伤感英文句子:毕业寄语简短一句话 有点伤感舍不得的毕业季英语说说


  1. I don't want to say goodbye, but I'm saying goodbye, that childish time; I don't want to say goodbye, I'm always saying goodbye, that dreamy time.


  2. Zhaohui will not fall into the pupil of the sleepy. Pursue beauty, then we can get beauty! - wish us to be a awake pursuer forever!


  3. Good things are always impermanent, including opportunities for success and fate. How many times can we miss in our ordinary life?


  4. Your exhortation when you leave, the far-reaching sound waves in my heart, sending out the faint fragrance like the orchid.

  5.许多老房子消失了,校园里正在大兴土木。老房子留在照片里,我们呢?我们也能留在照片里吗?包括那些做作的微笑和夸张的“V ”形手势?

  5. Many old houses have disappeared and the campus is under construction. The old house remains in the picture. How about us? Can we also stay in the picture? Including those fake smiles and exaggerated "V" gestures?


  6. In the recollection light kisses, and in the note light handwriting, just unintentionally misses.


  7. You go, in that long time, my heart is like autumn tree, the leaves are helpless to float all over the ground, only the loneliness hanging on the branch.

  2019毕业寄语简短一句话 有点伤感舍不得的毕业季说说1

  2019 graduation message is a little sad. Let's talk about graduation season 1


  8. We parted in the mist. Dew, glittering and translucent, like your pure eyes; fog, misty, like my thick sorrow.


  9. Every day, we will visit the campus consciously or unconsciously, take a look at it today, and think about how it ushered in the childish us three years ago. After three years, it seems that we have come back to the starting point. In the starry night, every memory is gentle as the wind.


  10. In addition to these lively and bright ornaments, the background color of my life is still the traces of snow-white rolls and blue water pens


  11. Graduation is a window. We need to smash it, and then brush the sharp pieces to walk by. After the blood and flesh are blurred, we start a completely different life.


  12. Leave tomorrow morning. I hope the clouds and the bright sun will accompany you to the far end of the world. Flowers and grass will accompany you to spread your far future.


  13. Do you remember the scene that we talked about under the stars that night? Talk about learning ideals, and In the future, even though we are different, I will always remember the starry sky that night.

  14.人生是什么?是历史大厦的一块砖,是与风浪搏斗的一双橹,是万绿之原的一朵花 …… 愿我们用自己的双手,创造最美好的人生!

  14. What is life? It's a brick of the history building, a pair of sculls fighting with the wind and waves, and a flower of the green land May we create the best life with our own hands!


  15. What you didn't pick is just a flower in spring, and the whole spring still belongs to you, friend, don't lose heart!


  16. The life after parting is like a street. Let's add beautiful scenery to the long street together.


  17. Every classroom, desk, flower, tree and stone is the most unforgettable in my memory.