伤感英文句子带翻译:朋友圈戳人泪点的英文说说 想流眼泪的伤感英文句子2020-03-07
1.你走之后,我像个拾荒者一样,到处收集你的消息。 1. After you leave, I gather your information like a scavenger. 2.再坚强的人,心里都一定有那么一些弱点,一触就碎,一碰就痛。 2. No matter h...
1.承诺做不到和撒谎有什么区别 1. Whats the difference between failing to promise and lying 2.如果浪荡比较自由 请藏好你的初心 2. If the waves are relatively free, please hide your original intention 3.余生千万不...
伤感英文句子带翻译:十分压抑憋屈的说说 感到身心疲惫的英文句子2020-03-07
1.别老想着以后还来得及,有一天你会发现,有些人,有些事,真的会来不及。 1. Dont always think its too late. One day you will find that some people, some things, really will be too late. 2.我拦不住要走的风...
1.每个人的心中,都有自己不愿说出来的心酸和无奈。 1. In everyones heart, there is sadness and helplessness that they are unwilling to say. 2.到最后,心空了,什么也装不了,美好的都成为了曾经的。...
伤感英文句子带翻译:透漏出满满孤独感的话 朋友圈孤独伤感英文的句子2020-03-07
1.一觉醒来,还是没有你的消息。 1. When I wake up, I still havent heard from you. 2.跟一大群人出去玩,我却说不上话 2. Go out with a large group of people, but I cant talk 3.手机也开始不好玩了 3. Mobile p...
1.你羡慕我,一身潇洒,无牵无挂,我却羡慕你,有家,有他,有人等你回家。 1. You envy me. You are smart and carefree, but I envy you. You have a family, you have him, and someone is waiting for you to go home....
1.我的心不愿前行,路太遥远,感觉太累,当爱变得如此荒芜,心已无所属。 1. My heart is unwilling to move forward, the road is too far away, and I feel too tired. When love becomes so barren, my heart has no pla...
伤感英文句子带翻译:感觉自己被掏空的说说 空落落的伤感英文句子2020-03-07
1.心里空落落的心中惆怅向谁诉说又有谁能懂我。 1. In the empty heart, who can understand me and who can tell me melancholy. 2.对你已成习惯,只是一个自以为是的习惯! 2. You have become a habit, just a self...
伤感英文句子带翻译:在家无聊的说说心情英文短语 2020十一国庆节宅在家的无2020-03-07
1.闲了,未必无聊,闲着没事干才会无聊。 1. If you are free, you may not be bored. If you are free, you will be bored. 2.一个人静静的看着书发呆,跟无聊拉近距离了呢~ 2. Im dazed when Im reading quietly. I...