1.毕业季,告别和告白都是勇气。 1. Graduation season, farewell and advertising are courage. 2.要潇洒从容地离开,但情感就像滴在纸上的浓墨,无法抑制地散溢开来。 2. Leave in a cool and easy way, but...
伤感英文句子:心烦睡不着的说说 心情不好有些烦躁的英文句子说说2020-03-07
1.就算没有结局,也会用力把你抱在怀里。 1. Even if there is no ending, I will try my best to hold you in my arms. 2.每个孤寂人的心里都有一座城,城里都有一个无法触及的人。 2. There is a city in eve...
1.人生最可怕的事,是一边后悔一边生活。 1. The most terrible thing in life is to regret and live at the same time. 2.你不会遇见第二个我。你要懂得。有些人一旦失去了就不会回来。就像。没有人会...
伤感英文句子:下雨天感慨说说伤感英文句子 心情就像下雨天的说说2020-03-07
1.下雨,冲走了什么;雨过天晴的太阳,带来了什么。没有,都没有。 1. What did the rain wash away? What did the sun bring after the rain. No, none. 2.你在雨中行走,你从不打伞,你有自己的天空,它从不下...
伤感英文句子:有心事睡不着的英文说说 压力大心事多的英文说说2020-03-07
1.在无数个失眠的晚上,相信会有很多人,习惯性的闭上眼睛,安静的思念一个人,想思一张脸。 1. In countless sleepless nights, I believe there will be many people who habitually close their eyes, quietly...
伤感英文句子:朋友圈心烦意乱心情说说 很烦很累的微信英文句子2020-03-07
1.等你尝过所有的新鲜感,等你终于感到了厌倦,我带你回家。 1. Ill take you home when youve tasted all the freshness and finally youre tired. 2.再也看不到彼此的模样,就连你是否安好都难以想象。...
1.有时候,来不及告别,顾不上回想,瞬间便成了过往。 1. Sometimes, when its too late to say goodbye or to think back, the moment becomes the past. 2.你是我内心深处的柔软,曾经想恨却仍爱到骨子里柔软...
伤感英文句子:抖音伤感说说句句扎心 一听就想哭的伤感英语句子2020-03-07
1.你之所以心酸,是因为那个知道你会心酸的人,从不问你为什么难过。 1. The reason why you are sad is that the person who knows you are sad never asks why you are sad. 2.我只能永远将你,放在我最深的心...
1.常常会在不经意间想起曾经的某个人,不是忘不了,而是放不下。 1. Often inadvertently think of someone, not forget, but can not put down. 2.可怕的不是堕落,而是堕落的时候非常清醒。 2. Whats ter...
伤感英文句子带翻译:冷漠说说心情短语 你的冷漠让我心痛英文句子2020-03-07
1.我一个人至少干净利落,沦落就沦落,错过就错过。 1. I am at least clean and clean. If I fall, I will fall. If I miss, I will miss. 2.你不要给你我希望,再将我推向深渊。 2. You dont give me hope and pus...