

  1. You envy me. You are smart and carefree, but I envy you. You have a family, you have him, and someone is waiting for you to go home.


  2. I've waited for the wind, the setting sun of 26 and a half degrees, the evening star, the ears of wheat, the white bird on the wave, the uncompromising storm, the rain in the city, and you.


  3. Love is like this. When I am disappointed to the top, I will never look back. It's not that you're not brave or afraid of being hurt. It's that you shouldn't make a wrong decision for a wrong one. After all, you have your persistence, I also have my free and easy.


  4. Only the one who makes you sad can make you happy, but usually, the one who makes you sad can only make you sad all the time.


  5. Like a single song cycle, fall in love with a person will continue to forgive, but enough songs will cut off, so people love tired, will let go.


  6. Leave a place, the scenery will no longer belong to you; miss a person, that person has nothing to do with you. Falling flowers were intended, and running water was merciless. Turn around that second, my happiness, it has nothing to do with you.


  7. You have to accept that there is always a sudden loss in the world. Spilled milk, lost wallet, separated lover, broken friendship, etc. when you do nothing to help, the only thing you can do is to try to make yourself better. If you lose everything, stop crying.

  疼到撕心裂肺的一句话说说 每句话都刺入心脏的爱情说说1

  Pain to heart rending words say every word stabbed into the heart of love say 1


  8. Relationships are like glass. Sometimes, it's better to break them than to compound them painfully.


  9. Some things make me powerless, such as the raised bangs, the cold hands, and the distant you. But there are still some things I want to do my best, such as the backward achievements, the addiction to stay up late, and the distant you.


  10. Sometimes, what you say on your mouth is not the same as what you think in your heart. Actually, I need you very much, just, dare not disturb you.


  11. It's not that you can't go back, it's all gone. Say goodbye to you at that stage. I won't forget you. You used to be an important part of my life, but it's over. We should say goodbye.


  12. When tears are left behind, you know how painful your heart is.


  13. Once tried to count the wounds you gave with a smile, but at last, tears flowed out of your eyes with a smile.


  14. Crazy, silly, persistent, persistent, loved, but in the end, I was alone. Just know, it's not mine. I shouldn't have wanted it at the beginning.


  15. People who want to be together, no matter how noisy they are, will find their own steps, and speed will get better again. People who are eccentric, no matter how small they are, will take the opportunity to find excuses to escape.


  16. Most of the time, I just want to be quiet, and I don't want to think about things that are bothering me, which makes my heart empty.


  17. If you can't forget him, don't forget. It doesn't need to work hard to really forget.