

  1. I remember showing off with others

  2.会陷入深深的自我怀疑 我哪儿不好

  2. I will fall into deep self doubt. What's wrong with me

  3.“我有个好朋友…” 变成“我认识一个人…”

  3. "I have a good friend..." Become "I know someone..."


  4. It takes great courage to reconnect


  5. Change notes back to full name


  6. It will be sad at the beginning, but in the adult world, except for the parents, who will not be particularly needed, who will leave, life is still going on

  7.想找个借口和你聊天 最后怕打扰到你还是难以开口

  7. I want to find an excuse to chat with you, but I'm afraid I'll disturb you at last. It's still hard to talk

  最好的朋友变陌生是怎样的感觉 走着走着闺蜜变陌生的伤感句子1

  How does it feel for the best friend to be strange to walk and the best friend to be strange


  8. Think about friends' praises for a long time


  9. Often chat with friends: I used to have a very good friend how to how to


  10. It seems that old friends can't wear old clothes. They still like them, but they can't wear them


  11. My heart will be empty. I don't want to fill it

  12.路上老远看见 会绕着走 避免打招呼的尴尬

  12. If you see it on the road, you will walk around to avoid the embarrassment of greeting


  13. Maybe when we get together, we find that he has a better understanding with others and then we feel jealous.


  14. I thought that she was the one who lived every bit of my life, but when I talked to people later, I would deliberately say, "I have a classmate with me..." I always feel empty when I finish.


  15. Every time I think about what we should do if we didn't quarrel at that time, I must be very happy now, and I want to cry when I think about it

  16.人生的过客吧 只是觉得心里空空的 可是生活还要继续。

  16. The passer-by bar of life just thinks that the heart is empty, but life still needs to continue.

  17.有些人时间久了,才会发现和你志不同 道不合。

  17. Some people will find that it's not the same as you for a long time.

  最好的朋友变陌生是怎样的感觉 走着走着闺蜜变陌生的伤感句子2

  How does it feel for the best friend to be strange to walk and the best friend to be strange


  18. It's a process to become strange. In the process, you will feel that this person is more and more far away from you, but you will have a little hope. When you find that you are even embarrassed by greetings one day, you can only sigh silently. Finally, this day is coming. Good luck.

  19.以前超级好 有他在别人就没人能欺负到我 然后到后来的碰到面很尴尬 一句话都不说 上个星期和他撕了起来 彻底没救了

  19. I used to be super good. No one could bully me when I had him. Then I met later. I was very embarrassed. I didn't say a word. Last week, I tore it up with him and it was hopeless

  20.曾经,再次见面和分开都饱含泪水 现在,看见名字也要假装波澜不惊

  20. Once upon a time, when we met and separated again, we were full of tears. Now, when we see the name, we should pretend to be calm