伤感英文句子带翻译:网易经典评论泪流满面 网易云音乐热评句子伤感合集

  1.如果我们能够久别重逢,我希望你别来无恙。——网易云热评《Changes(Seizure remix)》

  1. If we can see each other for a long time, I hope you are OK. ——Changes (seizure Remix) by Netease cloud


  2. When you were young, you made a decision to dedicate your life to love. Later, you didn't die, and youth was your life. ——No more


  3. If you are not together, you will not be together. It's not long in your life anyway. ——Comment on the memory of Zhengzhou


  4. When you leave, say "wish me happiness", just like a thief stole all my money, and leave a message: "congratulations to get rich". ——Netease cloud music review


  5. You are my dream of gain and loss, and I am your dispensable person. After all, the arrow that crosses the mountains and rivers stabs people who are extremely ill. ——To Huang Huai


  6. Sometimes people are so strange that they won't say a word after being wronged by heaven, but they cry when they hear the words of comfort. Those hard to hold back tears, often lost to a simple comfort. ——A review of mute by Netease cloud music


  7. when a child as like as two peas and prizes, he would not throw away the word "Xie". He must have "thank you" for being clean and willing to let go, just like too many things. ——Love letter Zhang Xueyou

  网易经典评论泪流满面 网易云音乐热评句子伤感合集1

  Netease classic review tearful Netease cloud music hot review sentence sentimental collection 1

  8.愿你不管被这个世界伤害了多少回 第二天早上太阳升起来的时候 你依旧愿意去好奇 去拥抱 去相信 去发现 去等待——网易云热评《脆弱一分钟》

  8. I hope you are willing to be curious, embrace, believe, discover and wait no matter how many times you are hurt by the world when the sun rises the next morning

  9.第一眼遇见 第二眼沦陷 朋友不甘 恋人不敢——网易云热评《没那么简单》

  9. The first time I met a friend, the second time I fell in love, I didn't dare to be a lover

  10.这是你生命中最好的年纪 身体健康 亲人安在 现世安稳 可惜你意识不到 因为一点小事 心情就一团糟 记住 除生死之外 无大事 ——网易云热评《平凡的路》

  10. This is the best age in your life. You are healthy. Your family is safe in this world. Unfortunately, you don't realize that you are in a mess because of a little thing. Remember that there is no big thing except life and death. Netease cloud hot review ordinary road


  11. I always remember a sentence in Han Han's book, which roughly means that the person who looks like a flower heart is actually special. He looks for common ground from each different person. Once found right, will abandon everything. ——Netease cloud music review "considering that you may never be seen again"

  12.最尴尬的就是:人家根本不把你当回事,你还多愁善感到不行  ——网易云热评《这样爱了》

  12. The most embarrassing thing is: people don't take you seriously at all, and you are still worried about being good and feeling bad

  13.半山腰总是最挤的 你得去山顶看看啊——网易云热评《无名之辈》

  13. Half the hillside is always the most crowded. You have to go to the top of the mountain to have a look


  14. I want to be my own sun, illuminating those who are depressed and lonely. ————Hot comments on the sun by Netease cloud


  15. I have never had you for a second, but I have lost you thousands of times. ---Selected from Netease cloud music goodbye erdingmu


  16. The most embarrassing thing in the world is not that he doesn't love you, but that he said he loves you very much, and finally gave up you easily. ——Netease cloud music review "in fact"


  17. Love words are hidden in the wind, loved ones are hidden in dreams, and you are still in my heart. ——Excerpt from Netease cloud hot review "I won't"

  网易经典评论泪流满面 网易云音乐热评句子伤感合集2

  Netease classic review tearful Netease cloud music hot review sentence sentimental Collection 2


  18. Don't worry about what you can't go through, and what you can't forget should come to an end. In the new journey, I hope you won't love too much or sleep too late from now on. ——Hu Xia's last words of youth

  19.相爱容易 因为五官 相处不易 因为三观——网易云热评《结尾》

  19. Love is easy because facial features are not easy to get along with each other because of three views


  20. What about someone who can afford to charge for five minutes? Can you find someone who can talk for two hours? ——From the hot review of "a person's scenery" by Netease cloud music

  21.你的歌让我也把自己的故事写进了歌里 去缅怀 去纪念 去遗忘...——出自网易云音乐《像风一样》热评

  21. Your songs let me write my own stories into songs to remember and forget

  22.宁愿跑起来被拌倒无数次 也不要规规矩矩走一辈子——网易云音乐《倔强》热评

  22. Would rather run up and be tossed down countless times than walk in a proper way for a lifetime


  23. "In your temperament today, there are books you read and people you love" -- Netease cloud hot review "several you"


  24. People who are attracted at the first sight will not be willing to be friends. ——Netease cloud music review of "heart" Chen Jieyi


  25. You will always meet a person who is suitable for you. You don't have to be indulgent and coquettish. You love each other and have a tacit understanding. ——A review of ten years of love by Netease cloud music


  26. In fact, the airport witnessed more sincere kisses than the wedding site, and the walls of the hospital listened to more prayers than the church. ——I miss her again

  27.“你要做一个 披荆斩棘无所不能的女英雄 直到遇见能托付一生的人 再做一个瓶盖都拧不开的小公主 ”——网易云热评《遇见》孙燕姿

  27. "You have to be a heroine who can cut through all kinds of difficulties until you meet someone who can entrust your life and then become a little princess whose bottle cap can't be unscrewed" -- Netease cloud hot review "meet" Stefanie Sun