
  1. 永不言退,我们是最好的团队

  1. Never give up, we are the best team

  2. 成功绝不容易,还要加倍努力

  2. It is not easy to succeed, but we should redouble our efforts

  3. 因为有缘我们相聚,成功靠大家努力

  3. Because it's our destiny to get together, success depends on everyone's efforts

  4. 今天付出,明天收获,全力以赴,事业辉煌

  4. Pay today, harvest tomorrow, go all out and make a brilliant career

  5. 旅游是奖励 大家来争取 你能我也能 万元抢先机

  5. Travel is to reward everyone to fight for you and me

  6. 目标锁定荣誉餐 积极拜访不怕难 激发潜能多签单 吃定经理荣誉餐

  6. Target the honor meal, visit actively, don't be afraid of being difficult to inspire potential, sign multiple orders, eat the manager honor meal

  7. 组织要发展 全员来增员 上下齐努力 团队高士气

  7. The organization should develop the whole staff to increase the number of staff and strive for high team morale

  8. 推销始于拜访 活动要有方向 拒绝不必沮丧 专业行销路长

  8. Marketing starts with visiting activities. You need to have a direction to refuse. You don't need to be frustrated by the professional marketing leader

  9. 全力销售新商品 把握上市好契机

  9. Make full efforts to sell new products and seize the opportunity of listing

  10. 全员销售意外险,市场开发意识前

  10. Before the awareness of market development

  11. 未雨绸缪有远见客户受益保障全

  11. Take precautions and have foresight to protect the benefits of customers

  12. 荣辱与共多举绩,信心百倍比高低

  12. Share weal and woe, perform more, and have a hundred times higher confidence

  13. 个个争先把握机会

  13. Seize the opportunity first

  14. 舍我其谁,挑战极限,身先神显

  14. Give up who I am, challenge the limit and show my spirit first

  15. 潜能激发不动摇勇往直前攀新高

  15. Inspire potential, unswervingly go forward and reach new heights

  16. 全力销售新商品,把握上市好契机

  16. Make every effort to sell new products and seize the opportunity of listing

  17. 目标锁定荣誉餐,积极拜访不怕难

  17. Target honor meal and visit actively

  18. 目标既定,身体力行,坚持不懈

  18. Set goals, practice and persevere

  19. 一步先,步步先;开门红,月月红

  19. Step first, step first

  20. (公司名称)十年强强强,(部门名称)出单我最狂

  20. (company name) ten years strong, (Department name) I'm the most crazy

  21. 恭喜发财多拜访,全员破零开好张

  21. Congratulations to Facai for visiting more and opening a good business

  22. 长期经营,积累客户充分准备,伺机而行

  22. Long term operation, fully prepare customers and wait for the opportunity

  23. 人人心中有目标,失败成功我都要

  23. Everyone has a goal in mind. I want to succeed in failure

  24. 心中有梦不认命,全员实动一条心

  24. I have a dream in my heart, but I don't want to give up my life. All of us are moving together

  25. 从业有缘,借福感恩,坚定信念;行销一生

  25. Be engaged in business, take advantage of blessings, be grateful and firm in belief; marketing life

  26. 服务回访辞旧岁,全力举绩贺新春

  26. Return visit the old year and make every effort to celebrate the new year

  27. 新单续保并肩上,业绩倍增创辉煌

  27. New single renewal goes hand in hand, double performance and create brilliance

  28. 稳定市场,重在回访精心打理,休养生息

  28. To stabilize the market, we should pay close attention to the follow-up visit, take good care of it, and recuperate