校园精英 谁与争锋 Who is the best on campus 骄阳无惧 奋勇向前 Bravely march forward in the scorching sun 搏风抗雨 共创光辉 Fight against wind and rain to create brilliance 挑战自我 坚持不懈 Challenge yourself...
1. 永不言退,我们是最好的团队 1. Never give up, we are the best team 2. 成功绝不容易,还要加倍努力 2. It is not easy to succeed, but we should redouble our efforts 3. 因为有缘我们相聚,成功靠大家努力...
1、在学习中成长,在创新中发展。 1. Grow in learning and develop in innovation. 2、我靠企业生存,企业靠我发展。 2. I rely on enterprises to survive and develop. 3、思路决定出路,观念决定行动。 3....
1. 不断超越,追求完美。 1. Constantly surpass and pursue perfection. 2. 诚信为本,创新为魂。 2. Honesty is the foundation and innovation is the soul. 3. 居安思危,自强不息。 3. Think of danger in safety and kee...
1、三新二点:新机遇、新挑战、新市场;服务只有起点,满意没有终点 1. Three new and two points: new opportunities, new challenges and new markets; service has only a starting point, satisfaction has no end 2、放我...
强身健体,立志成材,2班2班,非同一般 Strong and healthy, aspiring to become a talent, class 2, class 2, extraordinary 扬帆把舵,奋勇拼搏,看我三班,锐不可当 Sail and take the helm, fight bravely. Look at...