

  1. Walking, it's gone, the memories are pale; watching, it's tired, and the stars are dark; listening, it's awake, and it's beginning to complain; looking back, it's found that you're gone, and suddenly I'm confused.


  2. Once the feelings are opened and closed, they will never return to their original feelings after many times. They start to feel that the other side doesn't love themselves so much. After so many times of separation and compounding, they still don't change anything. They always feel that the other side is not enough to love. They start to slowly become indifferent. They won't be so enthusiastic after a long time. They just greet each other every day. They become tired and tired, but How can I call love if I'm not tired.


  3. See you again, years later. How can I greet you, with tears, with smiles, with silence


  4. I used to think that I would love for a long time, but I thought that all of a sudden I forgot the past.


  5. The heart is tired, how can the wounds of the heart be smoothed, and how can the tears in the corners of the eyes be dried? When there are many wounds and enough pains, the heart will not hurt, because it is numb; when the night is deep, it will always be the tears from the corners of the eyes that you secretly wipe away in the dark night.


  6. I'm not strong as I thought, but I can't find a place for cowards to rest.


  7. I've been waiting, but time doesn't give me time.

  看了让人心疼的伤感句子 每一句都是让人揪心难过的话1

  Look at the distressing sad sentences. Each sentence is distressing. 1


  8. More grievances, give me the sweetest sugar I will throw away.


  9. I can't live without pain, just go through it, love will never die.


  10. The most painful pain in the world is to look at the person who once promised to love himself and turn to love others.


  11. Don't always come a long time. In the world, people walk in the cool of tea.


  12. There is always a place, a person, which makes you feel moved and nostalgic. There is always a person, a sorry, let you heartache, unforgettable.


  13. After the break-up, I miss so much that I dare not touch the memories.


  14. Always think that what floats in the air is not oxygen, but something called sadness.


  15. You live in a world without me. I live in a sky with only you.


  16. Some people's wounds heal slowly in time, such as me; some people's wounds fester slowly in time, such as him.


  17. It seems that we all forget that feeling, I forget deliberately, you forget casually.

  看了让人心疼的伤感句子 每一句都是让人揪心难过的话2

  Look at the distressing sad sentences. Each sentence is distressing. 2


  18. There are always some names that can't be deleted, because of the traces that have come; there are always some that can't be forgotten again, because of the warm intersection. Maybe I will never contact again, but I will remember forever; maybe I will not have heart attack, but I still have heartache.


  19. It's like a cut. It hurts and feels sad. Then it heals slowly. Although the scar is still visible, it can't feel the pain any more.


  20. Every time I think of you, it's like a rheumatic attack. It's sour and painful.