伤感英文句子:从来没为自己活过是什么感受 表示很心累的心酸英文句子

  1.每天都要想着有没有让别人不开心 自己是否做的让人满意……

  1. Every day, we should think about whether we can make others unhappy and whether we can make them satisfied


  2. My character changes with the change of my friend. I will cater to what kind of character he becomes

  3.我根本不知道自己喜欢什么 从来都是看别人

  3. I don't know what I like. I always look at others


  4. Afraid of being misunderstood and wronged


  5. I feel like crying at night when I'm fine in the daytime


  6. For the sake of others, in exchange for indifference


  7. What you see is just what I want you to see

  从来没为自己活过是什么感受 表示很心累的心酸句子1

  Never lived for myself. I feel very tired


  8. I try to accommodate others' grievances, but find it meaningless like a fool?

  9.“你去上这个大学吧” “好” “你学这个专业吧” “好”

  9. "You go to this university." "OK." "you study this major." "OK"


  10. You must have grown up a lot on the night when you cried the most.

  11.这个好漂亮吖” “算了,妈妈不让我买”

  11. It's so beautiful. Forget it, mom won't let me buy it


  12. Protect everyone's self-esteem carefully

  13.敏感的人受双倍的苦 却在丁点的幸福前乱了阵脚

  13. Sensitive people suffer twice as much, but they are in disorder before little happiness


  14. When making decisions, they will change because of someone

  15.“我想…” “不 你不想”

  15. "I think..." "No, you don't want to"

  16.世界是个大染缸,我们无一避免的被染成自己不喜欢的颜色,可我们还是有权利让其中一部分不被污染,这就是我所认同的: 我们的灵魂可以是一半庸俗,一半圣洁

  16. The world is a big dye vat, we are inevitably dyed with colors we don't like, but we still have the right to let some of them not be polluted, which is what I agree: our soul can be half vulgar and half holy


  17. The words repeated by the day: "yes", "OK", "OK", "I'll come" and "received"

  从来没为自己活过是什么感受 表示很心累的心酸句子2

  Never lived for myself. How do you feel? I'm tired

  18.我真的特别在意别人对我的看法 想尽力让每一个接触我的人都喜欢我 至少都不讨厌我

  18. I really care about what other people think of me. I want to try my best to make everyone who touches me like me. At least I don't hate me

  19.每天夜里都会反思 今天自己有没有做错了什么有没有惹别人不开心

  19. Every night, I will reflect on whether I have done anything wrong and whether I have made others unhappy


  20. What you see is not what I really am