

如今,互联网在我们的日常生活中已经变得非常普遍,我们可以随时随地通过电脑或手机上网。然而,关于网络利弊的争论从未停止过。下面是我为大家整理的文章,希望对大家有所帮助。 篇一:网络的利弊英语作文 Nowadays, there is a widespread debate about the influence of the Internet upon people'slife. Undoubtedly, there are both advantages and disadvantages in the Internet. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are two major positive aspects of the Internet asfollows. Firstly, the Internet has provided us with easy access to the necessary information andmaterials we want for living, learning and entertament. And secondly, the Internet haspromoted greatly the efficiency of our daily affairs such as shopping and communicating, saving us a lot of time, energy and money. However, as a popular saying goes, every coin has two sides, and the Internet is noexception. The negative aspects of the Internet are also quite apparent. To begin with, thecomfort and convenience we get from the Internet is gradually making us lazy and dependtoo much on it. In addition, the Internet is a fertile soil where many dishonest people areborn and grow. To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of the Internet into full play, and reduce thedisadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, We will definitely make a betteruse of the Internet . 如今,人们就网络对我们生活的影响展开了广泛的讨论。确实,网络就是一个利弊兼有的东西。 总的来说,大家普遍认为网络有如下两个主要优势。第一,网络让我们便捷地得到我们在生活、学习和娱乐中所需要的一些必要的信息和素材。第二,网络大大提高了我们日常生活的效率,比如购物和交流,为我们节省了很多的时间,精力和金钱。 当然,正如俗话说得好,每一个事物都有两面,网络也不例外。网络的弊端也是非常明显的。首先,我们从网络使用中享受到的舒服和方便让我们变得更加懒惰,进而对网络产生了太多的依赖。另外,网络也滋生了社会中的骗子,给他们提供了良好的生存土壤。 总之,我们应该尽力发挥网络的“利”,同时尽量去减少网络的“弊”。这样一来,我们就能更好地利用网络。 篇二:网络的利弊英语作文 Nowadays, the Internet has become very common in our daily life, in that we can surf the Internet everywhere anywhere by computer or mobile. However, the debate on the pros and cons of the network has never stopped. Some people say that the network is a platform for information sharing. Due to it, we have a convenient channel for the dissemination of information and access to information. But some others argue that some people commit a crime by the Internet, so we should stay away from the Internet. From my point of view, I prefer to agree to the former view. There are some reasons accounting for my point. Firstly, with network, we can exchange information frequently and conveniently. In the information area, information is wealth. In many cases, whether we can succeed in something, it depends on how much information we get. In addition, except for its serious functions, network is a good tool to entertain. Preciously, we only have TV or game machines to have fun, but now we have a functional platform for fun. On the Internet, we can watch TV programs and movies, or we can play online games as well as chat with friends freely, which is a good way to relax. In short, there is no denying that the Internet has its own disadvantage, but I think its advantages far overweight its disadvantages that we can make good use of those good but avoid those bad. In short, there is no denying that the Internet has its own disadvantage, but I think its advantages far overweight its disadvantages that we can make good use of those good but avoid those bad. 如今,互联网在我们的日常生活中已经变得非常普遍,我们可以随时随地通过电脑或手机上网。然而,关于网络利弊的争论从未停止过。 有人说,网络是信息共享的平台。因此,我们有一个方便的渠道来传播信息和获取信息。但也有一些人认为,有些人通过互联网犯罪,所以我们应该远离互联网。从我的观点来看,我更倾向于同意前者的观点。 有一些原因可以解释我的观点。首先,通过网络,我们可以方便、方便地交换信息。在信息领域,信息就是财富。在很多情况下,我们能否成功,取决于我们得到多少信息。 此外,除了网络的严肃功能外,网络是一种很好的娱乐工具。珍贵的是,我们只有电视或游戏机才能玩得开心,但现在我们有一个有趣的功能平台。在互联网上,我们可以看电视节目和电影,或者我们可以玩网络游戏,以及与朋友自由聊天,这是一个很好的放松方式。 简而言之,不可否认互联网有其自身的缺点,但我认为它的优点远远大于它的缺点,即我们可以很好地利用那些好东西,但避免那些坏的。 篇三:网络的利弊英语作文 Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time.I think Internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages. For example,if I have some trouble studying, I can surf the internet to find more helpful information. And I can make more friends on it. Some of my classmates say they feel happy when they talk with more friends with many similar hobbies. However, Internet can make some problems at the same time. If you spend too much time on it ,you will becaome lazy and can't put your heart on study. It will be even worse if you feel you can't live without Internet. So we must be careful when we use the Internet. 现在我的很多同学都喜欢在闲暇时间上网,我认为互联网可以给我们带来好处和坏处。 例如,如果我学习有困难,我可以上网查找更多有用的信息。我可以在上面交更多的朋友。我的一些同学说,当他们和更多有相似爱好的朋友交谈时,他们会感到快乐。 然而,网络也会同时产生一些问题。如果你花太多时间在上面,你会变得懒惰,不能专心学习。如果你觉得没有互联网你就无法生存,情况会更糟。 所以我们在使用互联网时必须小心。


楼主可真是问对人了,作为一个从小学抄到大学的学渣代表来说,这个问题太简单了,“英语作文网 水滴网桃子屋英语 星火作文网”这些都可以,主题覆盖面广,你想要的都能找到,如果我的回答帮助到你了,麻烦给我一个赞,期待你的小心心哦……

关于互联网的英语作文 关于互联网的英语作文带翻译

1、作文: With the development of high technology, Internet is more and more popular. No matter children or the old know how to search the Internet. The emerging of the Internet bring a lot of benefit for people, while people also find it bring harm to them generally.First of all, Internet brings much convenience and a colorful world for people. With Internet, people can buy all the things at home, search various information, make friends with people from all the world and so on. Without Internet people can’t have those benefit. Moreover, as there are a lot of people shopping on line, the need for couriers is increasing. This bring employment opportunities to many people. However, Internet also bring disadvantages for peole. As the Internet is wonderful, many people are addicted to it. Some indulge in playing computer games and neglect study or job. Besides, because people can touch different kind of information online, they are easily learn some bad messages, which is bad for their growing.To sum up, everything has two sides. Internet also has advantages and disadvantages. But as far as I’m concerned, Internet has more advantages than disadvantages if people use it in a proper way.2、翻译:随着高新技术的发展,互联网越来越受欢迎。无论是儿童还是老年人都知道如何使用因特网。互联网的出现给人们带来很多好处,而人们也发现带来了危害。首先,网络给人们带来了很多便利和丰富多彩的世界。通过互联网人们可以在家里买所有的东西,了解各种信息,与来自世界各地的人交友等等。没有互联网,人们不可能享受到那些好处。此外,因为有很多人在网上购物,对快递员的需求也日益增加。这给许多人创造了就业机会。然而,互联网也给人们带来不利。由于互联网的美妙,很多人都沉迷于它。由于沉迷于玩电脑游戏而荒废学业或工作。再者,因为人们可以在网上接触到各种各样的信息,他们很容易看到一些不良的信息,这对他们的成长是有害的。 总之,任何事物都有两面性。互联网也有优点和缺点。但就我而言,如果人们正确使用互联网的话,它的优点优于缺点。
关于互联网的英语作文 关于互联网的英语作文带翻译


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With the development of the society. more and more people are falling in love with traveling. Not only can we enjoy the fantastic scenery during the journey, but also we have the chance to relax ourselves and be in good spirits. Take myself for example. What left me the deepest impression is the journey that I took last summer holiday. After my passing final examinations of the semester, our family set off for Qingdao which is famous for its sea. This was the first time that I had seen real sea. Walking along the beach and listeming to the beautiful singing of the sea, I was fully attracted to the sea. Also, it is the treasure that I will always treasure in my life. As far as I am concerned, traveling is such a good way for us to enjoy life and understand life. 原创。希望能有所帮助,谢谢!
With the development of the society. more and more people are falling in love with traveling. Not only can we enjoy the fantastic scenery during the journey, but also we have the chance to relax ourselves and be in good spirits. Take myself for example. What left me the deepest impression is the journey that I took last summer holiday. After my passing final examinations of the semester, our family set off for Qingdao which is famous for its sea. This was the first time that I had seen real sea. Walking along the beach and listeming to the beautiful singing of the sea, I was fully attracted to the sea. Also, it is the treasure that I will always treasure in my life. As far as I am concerned, traveling is such a good way for us to enjoy life and understand life. 这个
With the development of the society. more and more people are falling in love with traveling. Not only can we enjoy the fantastic scenery during the journey, but also we have the chance to relax ourselves and be in good spirits. Take myself for example. What left me the deepest impression is the journey that I took last summer holiday. After my passing final examinations of the semester, our family set off for Qingdao which is famous for its sea. This was the first time that I had seen real sea. Walking along the beach and listeming to the beautiful singing of the sea, I was fully attracted to the sea. Also, it is the treasure that I will always treasure in my life. As far as I am concerned, traveling is such a good way for us to enjoy life and understand life. 这就是你想要的。
早已听说三亚的阳光、沙滩、海水是世界上独一无二的,进入11月份严寒的冬天已经来临,作为北方人我始终向往着能有朝一日带着父母一起去暖冬的三亚度假旅游,趁着还有十几天的年假,我决定12月去三亚旅游。 网络真是方便。于是乎,我在网上收集了大量关于三亚旅游的攻略和注意事项,最终敲定网友口碑比较好的宝宏和仙人掌酒店,酒店选择好了就开始下订单了,网上有很多关于海南旅游、三亚旅游的网站,选择哪家预订我一直有种乱花渐欲迷人眼的感觉,始终做不出决定,主要的原因是怕上当受骗,网络虽然方便了网民但也给了网络骗子有机可乘的机会,于是四处咨询曾经到过三亚旅游的朋友是怎样预订酒店的,听说一家禧游旅行网的服务不错且价格也不贵,考虑了许久也为了不耽误行程,OK就选择他了,于是在他们网上订了往返机票和酒店,还参加了他们的一日游。 盼星星盼月亮,我们乘坐的CZ6712号航班终于抵达三亚凤凰机场,走出舱门立刻就能感受到冬天里的三亚依旧是那么暖和,走出机场我赶紧把臃肿的外套褪了下来,派来接机姚师傅早已在大厅等候我们了,在车上姚师傅一直在跟我们讲解三亚是如何如何之美,我们的行程安排怎样,感觉特别热情。 从机场到大东海的车程大约20分钟左右,我们终于来到了宝宏龙都大酒店,这是一家准5标准的酒店,酒店分主楼和副楼两栋,我们住的是主楼的豪华房,还有一点点的角度能看见大东海哦,房间里的设施都蛮新的,总体感觉不错。由于是晚上抵达三亚,大家都有点疲劳了,冲了个热水澡后大家就进入梦乡了,先在梦里的三亚来个亲密接触。 今天我们的行程安排是去趟南山,南山在大东海的西边,是个5A景区风景迷人70岁老人还能享受优惠哦。南山主要建筑有南山寺、南海观音佛像、观音文化苑、天竺圣迹、佛名胜景观苑、十方塔林与归根园、佛教文化交流中心、素斋购物一条街等。 一般前往南山都不会错过天涯海角风景区,不管“天涯海角”是真的源于异乡情结,还是这里有爱情石、有2元钱背后的“南天一柱”,都让人想亲眼目睹。当看到碧海、白沙、渔帆、椰林、波涛、礁盘交融一起时,才真正圆了那份异乡情结。 第二天我们起了个大早,因为今天准备去蜈支洲岛和南田温泉,蜈支洲岛离大东海比较远,所以接我们的师傅早早就电话过来叫我们做好准备了。 蜈支洲岛的环境保护的很好,海滩虽然没有亚龙湾的好,沙滩上有很多珊瑚的尸体,个别的地方有点扎脚,不过是一样的洁白柔软。亚龙湾被评为中国最美的海滩不是浪得虚名的。海滩的建筑不多,和两年前基本一样。说是要新建300间客房,不知道上岛的人多了,环境会不会破坏了。蜈支洲岛也是各种海上运动的好场所,摩托艇,香蕉船,滑翔伞等,潜水的人尤其多。 5点坐船返程了,海浪小了很多。简单休整后,直奔南田温泉。到了南田温泉,买好了票,换好了泳衣之后我向一个女服务员询问路线,她热心地告诉我:先泡温泉,再泡药浴,椰奶浴,最后还要泡小鱼浴,我不禁好奇起来,温泉浴,药浴,还有椰奶浴都不难想象,可是这个小鱼浴会是什么样的呢?我们先进到一个较浅的池子里和东北口音的一家祖孙五口在一起泡,两个小孙孙总想在池子里游泳,可池中水浅,被他们打得水花四溅,我和先生一边笑着一边转移阵地。 第三天,今天是住在亚龙湾的仙人掌度假酒店。仙人掌酒店以码雅风格为主,到处都弥漫着码雅的气息,最招牌的想是这个搞怪的小人了。去三亚之前听说仙人掌离海边远,真正到了才发现其实并不远,从酒店大堂到海边步行的话最多需要7分钟,沿途会经过一个不大的湖,而且去往海边的标志清晰明朗,位置并不比一线酒店差,再对比价格更是让我和BF有一种心里优越感,沿途结伴而行一边欣赏风景一边聊天也是浪漫之至啊~~,亚龙湾每个酒店都有私属海滩和躺椅,海水清澈见底,在很浅的地方就能看见小鱼和透明的小螃蟹,金色的阳光暖暖撒在躺椅上,背后是湛蓝湛蓝的天空,脚下是碧蓝碧蓝的大海,感觉象一场不愿醒过来的梦一样。 第四天的行程安排是去呀喏哒热带雨林,三亚旅游的发展呼唤着“山”、“海”互动,海南旅游的发展正期待着“蓝”、“绿”相融。 呀诺达雨林文化旅游区,正是通过精心的策划、精心的设计、精心的打造,还原最原始、最清晰的自然天地,丰富的生物、雨林的氤氲,人类与万物和谐相处的自然天成,透过山海的阳光,让人们在这里尽情地呼吸绿色的空气,与雨林一起追逐绿色的渴望,构建人们横跨古今、物我两忘的心灵对话时空隧道,激发人们回归自然、敬畏自然、爱护自然、天人合一的梦幻奇想。 在这里,你会深切的感受到自己的灵魂得以净化,自己的思想得以升华,自己只有通过雨林浸润,才能获得与大自然、与人生、与天地、与神灵有着心灵贯通的造化与默契。也正是你走进“呀喏哒”,才真正理解这里为什么会成为、离自己最近的神秘的、神奇的、神圣的绿色天堂。
早已听说三亚的阳光、沙滩、海水是世界上独一无二的,进入11月份严寒的冬天已经来临,作为北方人我始终向往着能有朝一日带着父母一起去暖冬的三亚度假旅游,趁着还有十几天的年假,我决定12月去三亚旅游。 网络真是方便。于是乎,我在网上收集了大量关于三亚旅游的攻略和注意事项,最终敲定网友口碑比较好的宝宏和仙人掌酒店,酒店选择好了就开始下订单了,网上有很多关于海南旅游、三亚旅游的网站,选择哪家预订我一直有种乱花渐欲迷人眼的感觉,始终做不出决定,主要的原因是怕上当受骗,网络虽然方便了网民但也给了网络骗子有机可乘的机会,于是四处咨询曾经到过三亚旅游的朋友是怎样预订酒店的,听说一家禧游旅行网的服务不错且价格也不贵,考虑了许久也为了不耽误行程,OK就选择他了,于是在他们网上订了往返机票和酒店,还参加了他们的一日游。 盼星星盼月亮,我们乘坐的CZ6712号航班终于抵达三亚凤凰机场,走出舱门立刻就能感受到冬天里的三亚依旧是那么暖和,走出机场我赶紧把臃肿的外套褪了下来,派来接机姚师傅早已在大厅等候我们了,在车上姚师傅一直在跟我们讲解三亚是如何如何之美,我们的行程安排怎样,感觉特别热情。 从机场到大东海的车程大约20分钟左右,我们终于来到了宝宏龙都大酒店,这是一家准5标准的酒店,酒店分主楼和副楼两栋,我们住的是主楼的豪华房,还有一点点的角度能看见大东海哦,房间里的设施都蛮新的,总体感觉不错。由于是晚上抵达三亚,大家都有点疲劳了,冲了个热水澡后大家就进入梦乡了,先在梦里的三亚来个亲密接触。 今天我们的行程安排是去趟南山,南山在大东海的西边,是个5A景区风景迷人70岁老人还能享受优惠哦。南山主要建筑有南山寺、南海观音佛像、观音文化苑、天竺圣迹、佛名胜景观苑、十方塔林与归根园、佛教文化交流中心、素斋购物一条街等。 一般前往南山都不会错过天涯海角风景区,不管“天涯海角”是真的源于异乡情结,还是这里有爱情石、有2元钱背后的“南天一柱”,都让人想亲眼目睹。当看到碧海、白沙、渔帆、椰林、波涛、礁盘交融一起时,才真正圆了那份异乡情结。 第二天我们起了个大早,因为今天准备去蜈支洲岛和南田温泉,蜈支洲岛离大东海比较远,所以接我们的师傅早早就电话过来叫我们做好准备了。 蜈支洲岛的环境保护的很好,海滩虽然没有亚龙湾的好,沙滩上有很多珊瑚的尸体,个别的地方有点扎脚,不过是一样的洁白柔软。亚龙湾被评为中国最美的海滩不是浪得虚名的。海滩的建筑不多,和两年前基本一样。说是要新建300间客房,不知道上岛的人多了,环境会不会破坏了。蜈支洲岛也是各种海上运动的好场所,摩托艇,香蕉船,滑翔伞等,潜水的人尤其多。 5点坐船返程了,海浪小了很多。简单休整后,直奔南田温泉。到了南田温泉,买好了票,换好了泳衣之后我向一个女服务员询问路线,她热心地告诉我:先泡温泉,再泡药浴,椰奶浴,最后还要泡小鱼浴,我不禁好奇起来,温泉浴,药浴,还有椰奶浴都不难想象,可是这个小鱼浴会是什么样的呢?我们先进到一个较浅的池子里和东北口音的一家祖孙五口在一起泡,两个小孙孙总想在池子里游泳,可池中水浅,被他们打得水花四溅,我和先生一边笑着一边转移阵地。 第三天,今天是住在亚龙湾的仙人掌度假酒店。仙人掌酒店以码雅风格为主,到处都弥漫着码雅的气息,最招牌的想是这个搞怪的小人了。去三亚之前听说仙人掌离海边远,真正到了才发现其实并不远,从酒店大堂到海边步行的话最多需要7分钟,沿途会经过一个不大的湖,而且去往海边的标志清晰明朗,位置并不比一线酒店差,再对比价格更是让我和BF有一种心里优越感,沿途结伴而行一边欣赏风景一边聊天也是浪漫之至啊~~,亚龙湾每个酒店都有私属海滩和躺椅,海水清澈见底,在很浅的地方就能看见小鱼和透明的小螃蟹,金色的阳光暖暖撒在躺椅上,背后是湛蓝湛蓝的天空,脚下是碧蓝碧蓝的大海,感觉象一场不愿醒过来的梦一样。 第四天的行程安排是去呀喏哒热带雨林,三亚旅游的发展呼唤着“山”、“海”互动,海南旅游的发展正期待着“蓝”、“绿”相融。 呀诺达雨林文化旅游区,正是通过精心的策划、精心的设计、精心的打造,还原最原始、最清晰的自然天地,丰富的生物、雨林的氤氲,人类与万物和谐相处的自然天成,透过山海的阳光,让人们在这里尽情地呼吸绿色的空气,与雨林一起追逐绿色的渴望,构建人们横跨古今、物我两忘的心灵对话时空隧道,激发人们回归自然、敬畏自然、爱护自然、天人合一的梦幻奇想。