幼儿英语手指游戏 课前活动手指游戏

  幼儿英语手指游戏 课前活动手指游戏

  Hands on Shoulders

  Hands on shoulders, hands on knees. 手放肩膀,手放膝盖

  Hands behind you, if you please. 请你把手放后面

  Touch your shoulders, now your nose, 摸你的肩膀,然后你的鼻子

  Now your hair and now your toes. 然后你的头发和你的脚趾

  Hands up high in the air. 把手举高在空中

  Down at your sides, and touch your hair.放在你的身边,然后摸你的头发

  Hands up high as before. 把手和之前一样举高

  Now clap your hands, one-two-three-four! 然后拍手1234