心里不是滋味的伤感说说 自己很烦很心累的句子


  1. Don't take a person too seriously, because you may be nothing in that person's heart.


  2. I have been paying attention to you in all the ways you know or don't know.


  3. There is no wine in your dimple, but I am drunk like a dog. People who fall in love at the first sight, how willing to be friends.


  4. When we know how to be happy, it is because we know how to cherish.


  5. How good he is really doesn't matter. It's his own. How good he is to you is really important. It belongs to you


  6. If you can't squeeze into the world, don't squeeze it. It gets in the way of other people's eyes and tired of your heart.


  7. The deepest despair is that you know your desire, but you have to pretend to be deaf to it.


  8. The quicksand of all memories, the years that have passed away, have washed away my dust.


  9. I am the happiest at an age when I don't know how to write happiness.


  10. Don't talk when you don't understand, don't talk more when you understand, speak slowly when you are upset, and don't talk when you have nothing to say.