关于单相思的说说 关于单相思的句子

  1、你总是能轻易影响我情绪 我却怎么也挤不进你心里。

  1. You can always easily affect my mood, but I can't squeeze into your heart.


  2. For me, you are a canon. After listening to so many songs, I think you are the best!


  3. Meet a, but now do not see willow shade of fireworks, small bridge water purple smoke fly, heart to the other side, waiting for the flowers to bloom, looking forward to the old people to return! Tang poetry, Song Ci have love, long-awaited love, several people happy several people sad, complain about the old love, the dream is difficult to round, suddenly look back, blue silk white hair, in the long world of mortals, you are the scenery I can't lock.


  4. - I'm sorry, your secret love, xiansen, is in love. Please catch up later.


  5. To love someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a boat at the airport.


  6. When a person likes you, he can't pretend not to like, when he doesn't like you, he can't pretend to like.

  7、最痛的距离,是你不在我身边却在我心里。 2、请你在心里,悄悄念一念我的名字。 3、有些文字怎么总是写不进你的心。 4、有这么一个人,你明知道他对你不好,却还是喜欢得不得了。 5、我像个困兽,想念你就像想念自由。 ...

  7. The most painful distance is that you are not around me but in my heart. 2. Please read my name in your heart. 3. Some words can't be written into your heart. 4. There is such a person, you know he is not good to you, but you still like it. 5. I'm like a trapped animal, missing you is like missing freedom. ...


  8. You take my confession to you as a joke between friends. How can you make me feel?


  9. How I want someone to say to me: you don't need to change, I'm used to you.


  10. The saddest thing is that the person you like thinks you like others.


  11. When all romance comes to nature, peace goes far, time changes the face of youth, will you grow old with me


  12. I fell in love with you, I don't know what I fell in love with you, only I love you, more than anyone else.


  13. Our love is the scenery you pass by.


  14. Life is peaceful and light / / it's very peaceful, but I can't stand it