关于说自己长得丑的说说 我知道我长得丑的说说


  1. The alarm clock wakes my body, but it doesn't wake my sleeping heart.


  2. Memory locks the expression of face, and memory is a crime.


  3. Life is a thousand petaled lotus. Since I refuse to bloom, I refuse to wither and fall at the same time


  4. Big head, thick neck, stupid action like a pig!


  5. Reporter: how do you dress like this today? (very Board white shirt)


  6. In your heart Russia is always just a clown, your love is Russia can not afford.


  7. Today, when I was eating in the restaurant, an uncle sat opposite me and said to me, "little girl, do you have a boyfriend?"? Me: No, I'm still single. After half a minute, uncle: little girl, you can't do that. No matter how ugly you are, you have to fall in love. Trough, NIMA, look!


  8. If a person smiles freely in the face of criticism, he may have found a scapegoat.

  9、时间会告诉我们简单的喜欢 最长远 平凡中的陪伴 最心安 懂你的人 最温暖。

  9. Time will tell us simple like the most long-term ordinary company the most comfortable understand you the most warm.


  10. The best way to remember deeply is to try to forget


  11. The running of life does not depend on the breaking out of the moment, but on the persistence on the way.


  12. No one has to complain about anything, after all, their own story, after all, to be completed by themselves.

  13、小丑表演么 你演什么我配合你 是这样么

  13. Clown show? What are you doing? I'll cooperate with you. Is that so


  14. Men and women are not the same, men have their own pain to swallow, women always find friends to complain!


  15. I don't have the nostalgia you imagined, and you're not worth remembering


  16. The road he chooses is full of thorns and thorns. He dies of pain and does not regret it.


  17. I said it's good before I'm ugly. I said it after I'm handsome

  18、不管未来的路有多坎坷有多艰难 都要坚强的走下去 因为这就是现实 你不得不接受它。

  18. No matter how rough the future road is, how difficult it is, you have to go strong because this is the reality you have to accept.


  19. Ten or twenty years, when you are old, ugly, fat, I still love you, tfboys.


  20. The world is dirty, and people's hearts are complex. You have to know that you will experience it, but there must be many people in the world, like you, who can see through human feelings but are not worldly, who are still naive and simple, who can still be kind when encountering indifference. Choose those who are dirty, ugly and indifferent. Life will not start to treat you kindly because of you. There will be some people more complex than you. You are better to go It is better to choose to be yourself and see through without disappointment than to fall.


  21. I read through novels every day, and the toilets I read are like through holes